Balance Training

Making Box Jumps Better: The Story of the Six-in-One Plyo Box

Making Box Jumps Better: The Story of the Six-in-One Plyo Box

Our Mission to Create The Best Plyo Box 

The Foam Jump Box Problem: Resilite's Why 

If you're a fan of box jumps and other jumping exercises, chances are you've tried a foam plyo box. But did you ever stop and think about how fast these boxes wear out? In just a few months, the vinyl gets loose and the foam loses its shape.

Why You Don't Buy a Cheap Plyo Box

Turning Foam Plyo Boxes into Something Great

Our Team at Resilite wanted to make a plyo box that would last. We had four big goals: make it in America, make sure it's stable at every height, build it to last, and make it better than any other plyo box out there.

The Fold For More Jump Heights 

The Fold that changed the height game. Unfold the box to reveal the more heights. The patent pending design creates six heights. Jump Heights | 6", 12", 18", 20", 24", 30"

Folding Plyo Box

Introducing the Six-in-One Plyo Box

After a lot of prototypes. We took the regular plyo box and made it way better. Our new Six-in-One Plyo Box is perfect for people who are serious about their box jumps and want a box that can handle a lot of use (55,000 Jumps).

Super Strong for All Your Workouts

A big problem with foam plyo boxes is they don't last long. We tested our Six-in-One Plyo Box a lot (like, 55,000 times!) to make sure it's super strong and can handle all your workouts.

Plyo Box Foam That Last

Staying Put When You Jump

When you're jumping, you need a box that won't move. Our Six-in-One Plyo Box has special features that keep it from slipping, so you can jump safely and not worry about the box moving.

Plyo Box That Stays

Looking Good and Working Well

We didn't just make our plyo box strong; we also made it look good. We added a special non-slip fabric that makes it look nice in any gym or home. It's not just about being strong; it's also about looking good.

No More Weak Foam Boxes

It's time to say goodbye to those old foam plyo boxes that just don't last. Our Six-in-One Plyo Box is here to change the game. It's strong, stable, and looks great, making it the best choice for your workouts.

A Plyo Box that last

See The Plyo Box Used Over 2,011 days at Hereafter Fitness 

A New Kind of Plyo Box for Everyone

Family Workouts

Making the Six-in-One Plyo Box wasn't easy, but we did it because we wanted to give you the best. This box is more than just a tool for exercise; it's a sign of our hard work and dedication to making the best plyo box in the world.

So, if you're into fitness and love doing box jumps, our Six-in-One Plyo Box is perfect for you. It's strong, safe, and looks great. Join us in making your workouts better with the best plyo box out there!

Crossfit Box Jumping

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American Made

Family Owned And Operated

Resilite is a Small Business


First CLass Workmanship