Balance Training



According to the CDC, children ages 6 through 17 should get “60 minutes or more of moderate-to-vigorous intensity physical activity each day.” This includes a mix of aerobic, muscle strengthening, and bone strengthening activities that range from walking and running to jumping and climbing. 

Clearly keeping kids moving is important, but we understand that it can be hard to come up with fun, new activities that stimulate their bodies as well as their minds. Enter Resilite’s Ninja Warrior Mat systems. 

Graduate Ninja SystemAbout the Ninja Warrior System
If you’re unfamiliar with the popular TV show “American Ninja Warrior”, a “ninja course” is basically an obstacle course designed to focus on balance, strength, and speed. Ninja courses can be as difficult or as easy as you make them, featuring multiple pieces that you can add, move, and remove to create a multitude of arrangements to keep kids engaged.

Read More About Our Ninja Systems >

We offer various systems, ranging from “The Apprentice” to “The Master”, to help get kids excited about physical fitness. No matter which system you choose, there are a host of benefits that come with each course. Here are just a few: 

It Helps Kids Develop Core Skills
Slanted Ninja StepsIt’s no secret that children need to actively work on developing their social, physical, and mental skills. Thankfully, a Ninja Warrior system can help on many of those fronts, providing various avenues for physical development. When using pieces like the slanted steps and speed bumps, kids are working on finding their center of gravity and improving balance skills. Agility skills are fostered through the vertical climbing walls or by jumping across octa-platforms. Kids can even build strength by trying to race for the best time on the course or by having to pull themselves up and over pieces to complete an obstacle. The possibilities are endless, and new skills develop over time with each and every use. 

It Provides an Alternative to Traditional Classes
Using a Ninja system is a fun way to shake up your child's exercise routine. We have found great success in both schools and private facilities (gymnastic centers, after school gyms, YMCAs, etc.) because a Ninja course appeals to many ages and can be specifically arranged for different skill levels. Whether your Ninja course is offered as part of a school class or as an alternative gymnastics class, kids are sure to stay active and have fun while doing it.

Ninja Vert WallIt Offers Mental Stimulation
While there’s nothing wrong with playing tag or jumping rope, sometimes kids need to burn off mental and physical energy at the same time. Unlike other physical activity games, a Ninja Warrior course can be customized and reconfigured for exciting new problem-solving experiences each and every time it’s used. You can even purchase additional system pieces, allowing you to grow your course and offer even more obstacles or tasks. Not only does a Ninja Warrior course offer mental stimulation when trying to approach the course for the first time, but adding on additional steps each time a child makes a “run” helps improve memory and recall. 

It Creates Equal Opportunities for Fun
Unlike some after school sports programs that are separated between boys and girls, Ninja Warrior courses are fun for everyone and encourage kids of all genders and ages to play together. They also provide a great means of entry for boys to get involved in gymnastics, something that they may be interested in but feel they can’t pursue because of peer or social pressure. By offering an “everyone friendly” activity, children can begin to pursue their interests and not feel pressure from other kids. And, by getting everyone to play together, it’s easier to break down barriers that certain sports or activities are reserved for just boys or girls. What’s more, Ninja courses offer healthy competition for kids, teaching them that everyone can play together and that boys and girls can do all of the same things. 









No matter your reason for investing in a Resilite Junior Ninja Warrior system, it’s sure to be enjoyed over and over again by kids of all ages. Continually expand and change your course and watch children grow their physical, mental, and social skills as they play. 

Get Your Ninja Warrior System Today >

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